History of The Atomic Sisters

The Albuquerque Atomic Sisters Rugby Football Club is a local women’s rugby team and 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, organized and operated to support and develop amateur athletes for national sports competitions.  Rugby is a fast-growing team sport, with a long-standing tradition of helping young men and women develop teamwork skills, leadership skills, and physical fitness.  This fast-paced sport is rich in history and community involvement. 

Founded in 1993, the Atomic Sisters are one of the oldest teams in the Southwest Rugby Football Union consisting of more than 12 adult rugby teams and two dozen youth rugby teams throughout New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. The Atomic Sisters have represented New Mexico for nearly 30 years and have attended the National Club Championship tournament several times in the last decade. With over 25 active playing members, the sisters play a minimum of 15 games and tournaments every year, most of which are hosted in nearby states. The Atomic Sisters qualified for the southwest DII conference championships in the spring of 2022 and are anticipating participation in the Sweet Sixteen National Championship in 2023 for 15s. The Atomic Sisters also competed in the National Championships for Summer 7s for the first time in 2022.

Summer Practice Schedule

WEDNESDAY – Community Touch

5:30 – 7:30pm

THURSDAY – Sisters Practice

6:00 – 8:00pm

Join us September 21st at 10am for our Try Rugby Day!

Learn the basics of the sport and meet the team!

Our Code of Conduct

Need rugby tough gear? Visit our store!